Website Analysis
WebsiteAnalysis EN
The Process Of Website Analysis

SEO Website Analysis

What is done in a website analysis?

A website analysis includes several levels

  1. Verification of the indexing on the various search platforms (Google, Bing, Yandex, Alexa)
  2. General assessment of the website
  3. Analysis of the marketing structure for the website
  4. Verification of the website per se compliant to search engines (read out the meta descriptions, check the contents, load times, etc.)
  5. On the basis of existing customer data, we get an overview of existing data (Analytics, AdWords etc.)
  6. Evaluation of the page with regard to design, navigation, user-friendliness, content, HTML / CSS quality and validity
  7. We work according to a strict guide that ensures a consistent quality, regardless of the type of website under investigation.
  8. Creation of a report


  • Defined process for consistent results
  • Similar results
  • Safe planning of further work

The best choice for Your website

With us you will make everything more successful! Use our knowledge in SEO, SEA and SEM to be successful in the search on the web.
As one of the best SEO agencies and SEA consultants, we provide complete, online and offline support. We're driving your online business right.

Hitwatch Limited

Gegründet 2016 sind wir eine Allianz von IT-Pros, Designern und Konzeptern. Jahrelange Erfahrungen in allen Bereichen des On- und Offlinemarketings machen uns zu einem starken Partner.


Google Adwords / Bing
Google My Business
Domain Registrierung
SEO Website Check
Corporate Design


Hitwatch Ltd.
20B Beckett Way
Park West Business Park
Dublin 12
D12 T2NF
Tel. DE: +49 3362 5089860
Tel. IE: +353 (85) 1625313
Fax int.: +49 3362 5089866
Email: Kontakt


Website Analysis - © 2017 by | published: February 14, 2017@9:04 pm | updated: February 14, 2017@9:17 pm